I haven't taken any photos of the stars myself.
But I know this guy at work (Dan Folz) who has
taken some really great photos that have appeared in magazines and won contests.
Dan has graciously allowed me to display some of his work here.
Weather Conditions: perfectly clear, 70° F.
Technical Details: Each image in rows 1,2,4,5 were taken 10 min. apart. Images in row 3 were taken 3 min. apart. The 35mm frames were converted to photo CD; from which a computer file was made. Photoshop was used to combine the images and a film recorder was used for the final 4x5 negative output. Full resolution (2000 dpi) was used throughout all digital processing. A Canon A-l camcorder was also piggy backed on top of the telescope. Both time lapse and real time footage was recorded.
Comments: It was a perfect day; the weather was perfect, the location was excellent and the equipment worked great! The visual impact of the "ring of fire" will endure in my mind forever. A perfectly centered eclipse along with baily's beads at second and third contacts are shown.
Email Dan Folz at